Hi, I'm sure I have a problem when downloading, but I don't know what it could be. I tried downloading a file from Hotmail last night and it started going at 49.8kb/sec for the first two seconds (NOT AT ALL BAD FOR DIALUP) but then it just started to fall quickly and went all the way down to 1.2kb/sec!! It's taking 15-20 minutes to download a 2MB file. This isn't right is it? Any advice will be gratefully recieved. Thanks
ok dial up (52k) will download at 6.5kbps and the reason this time that it was downloading so slow is because of the sever (the place ur downloading it from)
i've seen dialup modems start high in transfer rate, drop down to 100's of b/s before stabilizing between 3 - 5kb/s
yeah well this is very normal as the isp has to be given time to stabalise and the fact that the download accelorat has to given time to start even know there is acctually already dowbnloaded info and thats why is goes to 100k/s and then goes back down.