Hey i have dial up,I was wondering how do you make the connection stay on for more than like 4 hours,....every3-4hours it disconnects so i cant dl large files And plz dont say get dsl
Ok, get broadband. I'm not a expert, but I say ur screwed. There r many things that could potentionally disconnect u. I don't think there is anyway of guarateening that u will stay connected at all times with dial-up.
I know without any inteptions i can say on for a max 4 hours but then it automatically disconnets......Its there a program or something
i have 2, the 1st 1 is primus for dialup which is my original way onto the net & still need it when working on a customer's computer who uses dialup. the 2nd is rogers lite package. on rogers, i've been on for hours with no problem but have been knocked off on the dialup. i know that aol will knock a person off if on slow dialup.
lol,i only pay 2$,long story short i seitched isp to a cheaper 1 that cost 2$ so when i called 2 cancell they said since your a long time user of our servive we will match the price...