Because the AUD dollar dropped, you know pay about 50% more on Intel Products (haven't checked other) than what you did 2-3 months ago? My computer is worth more now, than what I originally paid for it, weird huh?
You've got a rather "unique" way of looking at things Current RBA info on exchange rates... We pay more for goods and services from outside Australia, but what about the reverse? Ask an Englishman to buy your pc...he'd pay 39pence to our dollar. Not looking so flash now, are we? Cheers.
I paid $220 for my Q6600 incl P&H, people are now paying $300ish. The fact is Australia imports them from USA, making them cost more on our behalf.
Now when my ex asks me for some money, at least she will be getting a bit more this time and it won't cost me extra.