yeah nintendo is the s** and microsoft are the leaders with games like halo 2 and gran turismo 4
These topics never turn out pretty but I'll give this one a chance. If things get ugly here I'll get ugly!
Are we talking like nintendo revolution or classic nintendo? super nintendo blows any previous, present, or future console away. =)
well thats now entirely true.You guys need to look at the problem its not the technology that seems sound enough, its more the games companies bringing our shitty games that dont appeal to the users.
Quote; "i think it did nintendo is the s***!!!" OK have a go at Nintendo by all means, but you could at least make your sentence make sense! It is always good to start a debate in an oversimplistic & peurile manner. How about a tiny shred of objectivity & not be too subjective? Is that too much to ask nowadays? It is really easy to slag of Nintendo, too easy. They have made some of the best games ever made. Mario was a world leader. Nintendo always made games with actual gameplay & enjoyment. Sony went down the "has to look nice graphically" road. Nintendo never had the resources that Sony has. I still love my Dreancast, a highly underrated piece of hardware. Metropolis street race was a classic. The PS2 is basically a piece of junk. Thrown together with amazingly poor quality parts. It also has an identity crisis. It is probably the WORST dvd player ever made. You couldn't use the scart lead, as you got the infamous "green screen". What a way of treating its' customers. Contemptuous. But the masses love the PS2, goes to show that people are REALLY dumb at times. BTW to all the Sony zealots out there, I am not going to get into an arguement over this. It is just my opinion, no more, no less! The definitive console for me was the Atari, with Asteroids & the all time greatest game, Space Invaders!
actually i meant that the third parties that do the creative game play dont put enough effort into there product and it shows by the crap that filters into the market.An example of this is out of all the nintendo game cube games available , metroid prime is about the only well though out one.
i thort the nintendo 64 was alright i used to love my old one till i sold it, when i saw the gamecube i just didn't like it, thats why i stick with my xbox and ps2 but mostly the xbox i've only got 3 games for my ps2 but like 20 or 30 for xbox i'll second that
i kno thats so wird it ganna be wird when it come out but i spose they did needa change the control cause it been the same since the first Playstation
I still think computers will (and are) ruling in the gaming industry, you can upgrade basically anything on a computer... Back to the disscution, Nintendo is horrid, it never brought interest into me, except when I was small, i loved my gameboy!
I don't know which I like more PS2 or the Gamecube. Because I like Sonic and a few other games that are only on the Cube, but then you have the Final Fantasy games and Grand Theft Auto 3, Vice City, and San Andreas. But out of handhelds the PSP looks to be the better. But I am still getting a Nintendo DS for Christmas. Plus yes Nintendo has Improved quiet a bit since the 2-D games for the original nintendo[bold]- super nintendo- gameboy- nintendo 64- gameboy color- gameboy advance- gameboy SP[/bold]