Hi there, i burnt a movie onto a memorex dvd-r disc and when i played it on my dvd player it would go blockey at times, but on another dvd player it was fine....Why's that, is it because my dvd player is really cheap lol?
That is why it is so often stressed to use quality media such as Verbatim and Taiyo Yuden. These brands seems to yeild a higher compatability rate among stand alone players...this speaks for the inconsistancy of some medie, like you are experiencing now with Memorex.
how about maxell, is that a good brand? And also the last couple movies i burnt seem to have a fuzzy sound in the background, like a bit of static...?
You were given the answer in this thread http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/616313 maxell are just as bad, check the above thread
Not all Maxell's are bad - made in Japan ones are either Taiyo Yuden or made by Maxell themselves - good stuff. Made in Taiwan well can be a mixed bag - if you get the ones made by Ritek then those are usually good.
If you are really lucky, you might end up with some CMC Mag. Maxells,worse than bad, so like Gwendolin says...I would stay away from them. Since buying Maxell is a gamble, go with the Verbs. http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/602181
ok i read the above forum thread and they seemed to say that the ricohjpn ones are good..Those are the ones i ahve i beleive. Mine say patented in china nad hong kong tho..?
Just load the disc in DVD Decrypter/ImgBurn/Nero CD-DVD Speed and it will tell you the MID of the disc.
They are decent media. Keep your firmware updated, don't burn too fast, or too close to the edge of the disc. Some players have better lasers than others; different discs burn better in certain burners, and not so good in others. Gotta find the right media "favour" for your burner.
I must be one of the lucky ones w/ Maxell - batting 1000 w/ them - even the few cmc's I've had Like cyrpusrom said RICOHJPN is decent - I like I used to use them a lot - now I mainly use Taiyo, Verbatim and Sony though I still pick up packs of Maxell, Fuji etc from time to time.
I cannot say i used as many Maxells as yoursefl Binkie, but i used probably close to 250 or so, with no problems at all. Over a year later I randomly take one out to see how the playback is and all that, and no problem. Mine were all X8, Ritek. But again,some burners are less compatible with certain media than others, so the results will differ from user to user. Never used a Ricoh disc in my burner yet, I am curious how it would get along with that flavour. So far I know it only doesn't like CMCs (coasted a few Imations before I came across AD!)
Very true cyprusrom - not all burners like all media. I've done pretty well with different media on the different burners I have - I think pc maintenance can play a part in it too. The last bad batch I had was several years ago - some printable Memorex - CMC's - ended up giving them away
Sounds like your el-cheapo player needs a lens cleaning. Usually they play anything you throw in them. Open the eject tray and spray some compressed air in it. If same issue,take it apart and clean the laser with a swab or run a lens cleaning disc. The lens cleaning disc is a last resort,before replacement.
My burner is brand new so i dotn belive it needs to be cleaned. I think its just me dvd player. When i put the the discs in ym computer to play them they work 100% no glitches at all. So does that mean the discs are fine?
Probably - players can be picky with media. Since it's plays fine on another dvd (from your post above) that sounds like what it is.
I didn't mention anything about cleaning the laser lens of the burner. Clean the laser lens of your dvd player,the one that you called it "CHEAP" and is the only drive that shows those issues. All the following can cause that pixellation,especially #6 1)Keep compression to a minimum 2)Don't burn to the very outer edge of disc-keep backup target under 3)4300 mbs with crap media,4360 mbs with quality media. 4)Keep burn speed at 4x with crap media,8x with quality media. 5)No multitasking 6)No STICKER LABELS! 7) Keep harddrive/s defragged 8) Switch to quality Taiyo Yuden or Verbatim 9) Get a new El Cheapo dvd player.