I download a movie from the bearshare software and try to put it on a dvd using nero. When I do this it says "no compatiable file Found" but it is an actul movie. I would just like to know what I could do to change this so nero will burn a video dvd for me. Any help would greatly be appriciated. Thank you, raab27
Hi, raab 'A full movie' could mean a number of different things. Could you have a look at what file (or files) have actually been downloaded? The likely ones are: avi iso rar(lots of) zip(lots of) Or possibly a directory with files in it. If you could reply with this, maybe someone will be able to help (If it's an answer I know, maybe it'll even be me!) S
download this file and convert your avi's to dvd compliant files http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/video_encoders/vso_divxtodvd_free.cfm a guide - http://home.comcast.net/~bbmayo/DivXtoDVD.pdf peace