Different sampling rates guide help

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by gobakes, May 30, 2006.

  1. gobakes

    gobakes Member

    May 12, 2005
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    I'm trying to follow this guide:


    I have two files: CD1, CD2.

    I load up CD1 in Virtual dub, click "audio" "full processing mode" and then "File - Save WAV".

    I load up HeadAC3e. I try to open the WAV file and I get this error:

    "Could not find data chunk"

    What does this mean? The wav file is there, it's like 300meg. What am I doing wrong?

    Any help would be most appreciated.

  2. aldaco12

    aldaco12 Active member

    Nov 6, 2002
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    I really don't know why HeadAC3he shows those errors (I don't know which check it makes). But I found FFMPEG GUI can convert to MP2 or AC3 those files. Just remember: DVD are 48000 Hz , (S)VCD are 44100 Hz. AC3 usually is 192 kbps (2 channels), MP2 224 kbps.

    But I suggest you to ADD the two files with VirtualDub first, then extract a BIG audio and convert the FULL movie into MPV later.
    (if you receive some 'sampling errors' youu can read the FAQ).

    Of course, you'll be forced to use FFMPEG GUI, if HeadAC3he shows some error.
  3. gobakes

    gobakes Member

    May 12, 2005
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    Thanks for your reply aldaco12,

    What is FFMPEG GUI and where can I download it? I searched around on the forums but can't download it. Is it easy to use?

    I have two avi's I want to join and make one and then convert to DVD. I tried to join the two avi's together with VirtualDub but it gave the different audio sampling error. I then tried to follow the above mentioned guide and got a different error. I'm almost read to give up.

    The two files have mp3 audio. So if I use FFMPEG GUI what should I convert them to and how do I make sure they will have the same audio? If I do manage to make the two audios the same, what is the next step? How do I then put these audio back with the video?

    Thanks in advance.

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