Digital Camera Reviews

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by ls3mach, Dec 1, 2003.

  1. ls3mach

    ls3mach Member

    Oct 10, 2003
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    Hi everyone. I have been looking to buy a digital camera. My current 1.3 megapixel is just not cutting it anymore. I was looking to spend $150-$300. Preferably about $200, but if it is worth the extra buck$ I will spend it. I was looking at the Kodak CX6330 since it has SD memory and I just happen to have a SD slot built into my laptop. This camera is also relatively cheap. $200 at Circuit City and BestBuy. The Circuit City guy liked another Fuji 3.1mp camera that they had because it had XD memory. The specs were either very similar or exactly the same. It was the same price. My question is what camera are the rest of you using. What are your opinions. Also if you were going to buy a new one or had it to do over again what would you go with. Take into consideration that I have SD on my laptop. I also have a reader for a bunch of different media types built into my printer. Compact flash, SD, XD I think, MS etc. This to me is not quite as convient. But if XD is that much better I would just deal with it.

  2. geekboy

    geekboy Member

    Feb 19, 2002
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    For excellent reviews you might wanna pop on over to;

    They have info, user files etc. on every digital camera out there. You might get swamped by the amount of info, but if you wanna take digital photography serious research it and the products you wanna purchase.

    I really think buy what you can afford, if stepping up to the next price bracket/tech level means waiting a wee while longer then wait.

    Watch out for the memory type, there are several types out there all ranging in price, I say go with compact flash but thats just me. Remember that though you might have a huge amount of storage on a memory card the camera you buy might not have enough battery power to fill it, depending on the quality of shots you are taking.

    I've got a Nikon coolpix 5700 (its like a semi-pro digital camera without going into SLR country). Its a decent camera and the prices are always coming down for it. If I had the choice again though, I'd save up for a while and go for an Digital SLR, the Nikon D100 preferably, with a nice 35mm - 70/100mm lens.

    And most important; wait till after christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You'll see the prices drop like a ton weight...its tempting to get a digital camera for xmas, but really its madness to buy virtually anything right now unless it a gift for a loved one..

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