Hey, I was wondering if anyone can point me to a good guest book I could put on my website. I was gonna use it (people will be told before they click on the book) so people can opt-in for information about a Multi-level marketing company I am currently a part of. The book needs to let the people give me there First Name, Last Name, and e-mail. I would post a link to the site but, it my be concidered "advertisment" so, I won't. If you want a link to the site PM me. Peace, Pop Smith
There's a pretty good guestbook at www.bravenet.com There's a lot of other things on their site, but have a good guestbook. Here's the features of it: Customizable Look -Set up your Guestbook with your own colors and images. MIDI Sounds -Add background music to play while visitors read your book. IP Banning -Ban the IP Address of unwanted or problem causing posters. Add Smilies -Add over 600 smilies to your Guestbook entries. Allow Images -Allow visitors to post their own images and HTML. Simple Maintenance -Add, edit or delete Guestbook entries with ease.
yea, i have a great one on my website in my sig. although you need to be a free member with a free website. try it its free and easy to use. http://www.freewebs.com (im not a spammer, just trying to help.)