My friend burned pictures to DVD-R with his MAC computer. I have windows xp and Liteon LTD 163. I cannot open the disc. "unknown windows format" Why ?
Might be, but according to Apple website, both systems use UDF and therefore there should be no problems.
Could be that the UDF format is burned in a different way on the mac and windows cannot read it because of this. According to info read from abbove, see paragraph 4.3.3. Dvd's burned with Mac are fully interchangable with PC.
I have all available updates installed. My DVD-ROM is Liteon LTD 163 with newest firmware GH5S. I have Win XP Pro. So far this is the only DVD disc with a problem. BUT ! This is the first "burned" DVD I have.
Try using ISOBuster to open your DVD as it uses seperate drivers. If it doesn't work then there is no hope for that DVD on win systems.
Thanks for the tip. I tried ISOBuster. So far it's the only software that has understood that there is 2,40 GB data on the disc. However even this program did not understand the file structure. Therefore I have a theory: My friend made a "direct copy" of jpg files to the DVD-R disc. He did not use any specific program that is used when burning a DVD. As far as I have understood correctly, those programs will format the disc and also the data files involved so that different DVD readers and programs can understand the contents. I asked him to burn another disc by using proper program. Let's see what happens.