My digivox works great, unline most peoples on here it seems! however i have virgin media tv, the virgin cable id obviously connected into my digivox xl reciever, but i cant get any of the on demand content that i would do if i used my original vmedia box. I wondered if it is possible and wise to run the coax from the cable output on the digivox into the cable input on the vmedia box, in order to have both boxes on at same time so i can view all the channels through digivox, but also use on demand services on legit vmedia. understand? im worried that it will produce that feedback thingy where vmedia can get on to you for using digivox. what u all reckon? any help would be greatly appriciated! cheers!!
maybe a splitter as vm box has feedback so would need to be permanently fed,and other box digivox has no talkback,if you have 2 scarts on tv switch from av1-av2 to view either box.
the digivox has a cable output, so if i run a coax out of this into the back of thr vm box would that be ok? ive read about how fiddling around like this can cause a signal to be bounced back to virgin on the line, know anything about this? got 2 scarts on tv so id be able to switch av to watch both boxes. anyone see any problem with this?
running it through the digivox your vm box might not have talkback,that is why if you supply both boxes from a good quality splitter and use your scarts to change between what box to view.