anyone elses channels gone on the digivox-t?only have rte 1 since last night..any help much appreciated
please can some one help iv just moved to a area that doesnt have cable could i use a mmds box or not and if so what channels do you get many thanks craig26
where did ya move to craig i use a digivox t for mmds its simple to setup an ya get loads of channels all sports and movies
ring the provider and ask them can you get it, you dont state the area so cant tell you, they will tell you whats available for your area and then you can make a call, if its MMDS get a T variant box, true cable get the Kryptview or similar
ahh, there is no MMDS in the UK, just Ireland. Not a 100% sure what options are available for you in that situation, if your in a non cable area, you may just be able to go the Sat route and not cable