hello all.....i have bought today a digibox xl usb box and am having problems with installation,all the channels are up but the blocked channels are still blocked.i have searched the forum and found a relevant thread saying to go to the system menu and press the info button to turn on the emu but on my box nothing happens when the info button is used or if you type in 1004.....please help i bought the box from a computer fair that is only on once a week so no help from the supplier.......many thanks.
Menu. System info. Press OK Press 1004 which brings up CAS menu Press key default and then turn key emu on Go to Sky Sports and wait for it to update.
many thanks for your reply but i have tried this and nothing happens .press ok on system info nothing type in 1004 still nothing.
when i bought it i asked the seller if it was plug and play and he said it was ready to go.being as green as grass and my first one of these i had no reason to doubt it....i will have to take it back next week and get him to sort it...many thanks for all your help.
if u have cables and pc u might do it urself as all info and firmware in the library u just need to download it.
thanks cactikid sent for the cable from ebay last night to have a go myself....again many thanks to all for taking the time to help this newbie
do u have a pc with xp and serial port to use null modem cable,or usb laptop if so u will need a usb adapter aswell.
laptop running vista getting a cable thats vista compatible with the driver cd....then i will be looking for a morons guide to flashing and then get so angry trying to do it will end up throwing it through the window.
did it via a post on digital kaos using the usb with a pen drive seemed to go ok but has been updating for nearly an hour.....is this normal.
IT WORKS big thanks to everyone for helping this newbie special thanks to cactikid for his patience......over the moon....
hey, can anyone help, I have a digivox xl usb, the sky sports channels have all gone, I'm not sure how to load stuff on to it an I dont no what firewall etc.. Is? But if any one can help me I would be very greatful.