hi i had the above working perfectly but all the channells bar one or two dissapeared. i am living in ireland and i tried factory settings and reloaded programme but oi still have only 2 channella is there any fix for this
have you flashed the box with the latest usb firmware,and autoscanning correct provider N and keycode to on.forgot to say from direct feed from wall to cable input.
Does the record function work with this firmware ? The 1.04 versions i have seen didnt seem to work with the PVR side , but the 1.03 versions did, so just curious if this one is different ?
i cant seem to get my box to record if you go into epg and set pre -record it marks it for recording, but does nothing maybe a fix will come out for this,
I tried firmware version 1.03 and it recorded no problems, but i was missing a load of channels , so i went back to 1.04 again - the non recording didnt bother me too much as long as i had the channels - but it would be nice to have both if anyone had the know how on fixing that issue like the 1.03 firmware.
I tried firmware version 1.03 and it recorded no problems, but i was missing a load of channels , so i went back to 1.04 again - the non recording didnt bother me too much as long as i had the channels - but it would be nice to have both if anyone had the know how on fixing that issue like the 1.03 firmware.[/quote] try version 104 press set default key and manuall rescan in channels then try aytomatic,it should give you your missing channels wont fix your record though, also are you in uk or ire? just wondering cos i dont think the firmware 103 works in dublin.
try version 104 press set default key and manuall rescan in channels then try aytomatic,it should give you your missing channels wont fix your record though, also are you in uk or ire? just wondering cos i dont think the firmware 103 works in dublin.[/quote] Im in dublin and your reading what i wrote wrongly - all the channels work on 1.04 but record doesnt record works on 1.03 but the channels dont.
Im in dublin and your reading what i wrote wrongly - all the channels work on 1.04 but record doesnt record works on 1.03 but the channels dont.[/quote]nice 1 for clearing that for me, but you never said you were in dublin! try what i said press set default key and try scan for missing channels on v103, i dont have my box with me at the moment otherwise id try it, do it in a manuall scan
again i followed all the instructions and my bigivox usb xl still wont pick up the channells i have saved the firmware download to my desktop and restored factory settings i think ill give up im new to all of this but when the box first came out i was able to follow all of the instructions can someone e-mail me with some help
at the bottom of this reply you will see my signature under that their is a beginners guide to flashing the box super usb follow them instruction as it is the same type of set up, and use the digivox firmware not the box usb firmware at the end you dont do the menu1570 part, to put your key code on when you flashed your digivox, you press menu, system info or system settings, 1004 put keycode on and press set default key,then exit . let me know how you get on,
Sorry if i am in the wrong section but can anyone help me. I have just bought a digivox xl usb. I have read all the posts and tried to do as instructed to put the new firmware on the box. The problem is that when i turn the box off and insert the usb the buttons will not move on the remote when i turn it back on. So i cant update it. Thanks in advance
That happens if the USN stick your using isnt compatible or if its formatted incorrectly. Is the usb formatted to fat or fat32 ? IM not sure if ntsc works on these boxes.
Just want to let everyone know that all chanells are working today in dublin on my friends digivox xl usb.
Thanks for that quick reply My stick is formatted in the fat format. I just cant get into the usb menu when the stick is inserted.