Having purchased the pre-RF version of DVD Xcopy platinum I find that the option to burn from files on my HD is dimmed. There was no support on my copy and I want to know if the software will allow me to burn from a saved rip, and also if there is a way to use it to rip to files instead of only to the media. I have only been successful in creating copies on DVD-RW (2x) but the DVD-Rs always generate errors - (4x) is it the speed? r
Hi jobber, RF is the only version that allows browsing. Therefore with the version that you have, one can only rip and burn. Cannot burn a saved file. WHy not download the RF version FIRST and get the patch to re-enable the ripping function. Oh and if you dont have a liteon burner, your drive is locked to rip only at 2x. As far as burning at 4x, your drive may disklike the brand of media that you are using. Go to http://www.dvdrhelp.com , look up your drive and read the comments on it
Thanks for the help - does this mean buying another "RF" copy of DVD Xcopy? where do I get the patch. Also, found the following info at the Pioneer web site: "The DVD Forum has established the new standards for high-speed recordable discs (DVD-R discs supporting 4x recording and DVD-RW discs supporting 2x recording). In tests to check the operation of these new high-speed recordable discs, Pioneer has discovered that the DVD-R/RW writers (DVR-A03, DVR-A04, DVR-104) may malfunction, if used with new high-speed DVD-R/RW discs. This issue is caused by the device's inadequately programmed software, which may cause damage to both the device and the inserted high-speed disc. Pioneer therefore would like to request customers to download the firmware for updating the writer's software directly from the Pioneer website Once customers update their writer software with the downloaded firmware, they will be able to use the new high-speed DVD-R/RW.
What version of Xcopy do you have? Go to add/remove programs, it will tell yuo there. If you want to DL RF, heres the link. http://secure.smarterimage.com/solo/customers/
What version of Xcopy do you have? Go to add/remove programs, it will tell yuo there. If you want to DL RF, heres the link. http://secure.smarterimage.com/solo/customers/
DVD Xcopy Platinum (not RF). This on a purchased CD. I also purchased the Xcopy Xpress download last year, but your link and my customer login tells me that downloads are no longer available and I guess I lost the downloaded version I did get. I actually have had more luck using DVDshrink, Decrypter and dvd-daemon, but was looking for an uncompressed option.
Well jobber, IM me at and I can upload the RF version with the 321fix program, this should get you up and running. If you have platinum, your license id and password should activate this one as well.
If you want the One touch programs try DVD Fab or one of the fastest programs around is Intervideo's DVD Copy 2. It will go from start to finish in as little as 30 minutes Enjoy, Pete sea Yaaaaaaaaaaa -
321sucker, I like your e-mail address ... but you shouldn't post sent it via PM. jobber, Contact these guys http://www.nycsoftware.com/dvdxcopy/support/ , see if you can get your new Platinum RF licencse. Just e-mail them with your current license and password. They should give you a new one and update your account so you can download RF.
Thanks, Pete --I just checked out the DVD Fab and read all the comments. May give it a try. Trying to keep from spending any more as I have 5 hungry PCs to support.
Thanks Flip, but I aint worried bout that email address. Its one of those freebees,,ya know what I mean. Good Lookin OUT. though. Oh yea Jobber, Heres another Link as well.All Ripper Versions, http://www.xcopy.co.uk/updates/
jobber, You shouldn't scoot off too quickly, if as you say, you have other PC's to support, you might want to consider other options - Take this for instance - the guide and download sites at the bottom of this page - it covers 2 programs, DVD Decrypter and DVD Shrink, 2 excellent programs, well within your price range as they run about FREE dollars (USD) each - I know you probably like the ease of DVD XCpopy - well XCopy goes from start to finish with just 4 mouse clicks, the programs I mentioned, after setup, can be run from start to finish with 3 mouse clicks - and then compare the costs - Go figure, Huh ?? Anyway, here's the link - http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/79846 Something to think about anyhow - Cheers, Pete
Thanks for the tip, Pete -- I have used both of the free progs, but having paid good money for DVD-/X (twice!)I wanted it to be functional. Also, since my purpose is to get all my A/V dvds onto a large HD and mount them using DVD Daemon, I thot X-copy would be fastest.