Directv HD-DVR HR21 Model Questions, Help?

Discussion in 'Digital TV - United States & Canada' started by FlakMNKEY, Jul 11, 2008.

  1. FlakMNKEY

    FlakMNKEY Guest

    Just got this yesterday, and I'm new to the whole dvr scene. I've figured out pretty much all the basics. But I have some more advanced questions I'm interested in.

    1. What are some other things I can do with this, besides record, rewind, pause TV?

    2. Is there anyway to record things playing on my tv from another sorce, say Xbox 360?

    3. I had asked the install person for directv, about directv on demand. He said he didn't know anything about it. I've seen on the webpage that it's still in beta or active and you just need highspeed internet. Well I have that, and going through the manual says I just need to plug in my internet cable to my network, but the manual says that the port on the dvr that you plug into generates like 5 volts of electricty, is this safe to do myself or do I need them to come back?

    My internet service is wireless, my network is wired and wireless. I use a linksys wrt54gl router. Can I setup the "on demand" service up myself.

    4.Is there anyway to transfer recordings from my dvr to my computer? Or even my Zune? Also it says I can view pictures from pc, etc. How do I do this, im assuming it's network related like question 3.

    5. It has a USB port, What's it for? only thing manual says is for future use.

    Thanks for any help you guys can provide.
  2. FlakMNKEY

    FlakMNKEY Guest


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