directv, pc, streaming, more....?

Discussion in 'Home Theater PC' started by seamonkey, Feb 8, 2004.

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  1. seamonkey

    seamonkey Regular member

    Nov 3, 2002
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    ok, not sure if this is the correct place to pose this questoin but..

    well, i got directv this weekend and want to run it in my room and i dont' have a tv..
    so i wanted to do this (just need some ideas on doing it!)

    1. install tv tuner card in pc, run s-video and audio from directv receiver to tv card.

    2. somehow be able to control directv receiver with computer (not using a vcr eye type thing, rather a cable, saw a few projects where it lets you take contorl of your receiver through the data port and a hack..), but this isn't that important yet..

    3. then be able to 'view on demand' any channel over my network via streaming or dvr like..

    any suggestoins on programs?
    i think beyond tv might be a good streaming solution but are there any others i can use? i also want to be able to stream over wireless...

    any ideas or suggestions would be great! thanks
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