how do u disable all programs from popups warnings ect. cause im trien to run a backup of my system and it stops in the miidle of a 5 hour upload and says it iss in use cannot finish cuse a warning poped up how do u disable everythin sides the back up program? pls. help
Gosh, I use acronis once a week, backing up to an external drive, and it works just fine, for what it is intended. Are you logged on while doing a system backup? If not, you may need to do some major file cleaning.
yes I too use acronis true image and it is really one of the best backup softwares I have come across. my guess is that you have too much crap running on your computer in the background. something definately must be slowing down your computer. When I backup my main drive which is roughly only 15GB of data, it takes less than 30 mins. How much stuff are you backing up? If you are backing up multiple drives at once that could be your them individually. Try booting in safe mode and then backup.
djscoop; You and I are right in the ballpark. It takes me 1hr 10 min. to back up my drive, with 44 gig on it. Have you ever had to do a restore? If you do, you will be glad you used acronis. It was truly a piece of cake.
yeah I love true image. I backup my system drive once a week, and my media drives usually once a month. I honestly haven't had to do a restore yet, but I've actually been thinking about popping in a blank HD and doing a restore to it just so I know how to do it and I know it works. But I'm glad it works easy like you said...thats definately a relief.
Last Aug. shortly after I bought Acronis, I had a corrupted file gain access to my computer, caused a melt down, and locked me out of the system . The reboot disc did as advertised, I did a reformat of my hard drive, and reinstalled via acronis. Except for things added during the week that had not been backed up, I would never have known that I had the major problem. Regards