How do I disable WindowsBlinds? I need to do this to use the Visual Styler in Tuneup Styler 2. Thanks
Like all the other programs? Star -> Controlpanel? -> Add or Remove programs It can be that those aren't with those names because I'm Finnish
It is not in there either. I also went into folder option and made it show hidden files and windows files and still didn't see it.
Well there is bar where is minimized icons (Hopefully you understand ) IF there is windowsblinds click it with right side button and "Unload windowsblinds"
Unloading WindowBlinds ...or ...or Open device manager and kill all processes that Windowblinds is using. Then perform a search of your PC for all instances of Windowblinds and delete them. Reboot and run Ccleaner to clear any bits and peices left behind. Make sure to keep a copy of your serial key for future installations of WindowBlinds.
woops old but since i'm here your obviously running a cracked version for it not to show up in a add/remove since you don't own object desktop