disc and track at once

Discussion in 'Video - Software discussion' started by diablo, Mar 17, 2004.

  1. diablo

    diablo Guest

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    whats the difference between disc at once and track at once?

    i have two .wav tune files i want to burn to cd-r and both tracks have to sound continuous without a space between them how do i do that on cd-r what setting do i set?? i have nero express... i want them to sound continuous and want the cd player to recognize when the first one is track one and track two is 2 on a car cd player
  2. UKbulldog

    UKbulldog Guest

    Just choose track-at-once and make sure that you change the settings to "remove silence/pause between tracks" or something like that. By default audio burning software will leave a short pause.

    You could always load the first wav into a wav editor like coolEdit and paste the second one in at the end, resave the file and burn just one track on the disc

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