OK - it's happened so many times - I have to post it. Maybe somebody knows. I burn these movies - just did "BE COOL" - with a FujiFilm DVD+R (made in Japan) ... I have a Sony DRU-510A up to firm. Anyway, I burn it, throw it in my Sony dvd-/+ player and it doesn't read. I throw it in my computer and it plays fine. WHAT IS THE DEAL? If I throw one of my Verbatim rewriters in, the same .ISO from "Be Cool" or whatever will play fine in the DVD player. HERE'S THE KICKER -- I have tons of movies from the Fujis. So they have worked. I just don't understand how the ISO DOES work and the FUJIs have worked and DO work in the PC. What the hell? Anyone know what's up? Thanks, Confused.
Some stand alone players, have problems with certain brands of discs. Maybe your's doesn't like FujiFilm, even though they are great discs. The ones made in Japan, should be Taiyo Yudens. This is one reason we tell people to booktype DVD+R discs, to DVD Roms. They become more compatable with players. Movies you buy in stores, are DVD Roms. That's why they play in almost all players. Here is some info on Booktyping (What it is, and how to do it). http://www.k-probe.com/kprobe-bitsetting-booktype.php http://www.cdfreaks.com/article/150 http://www.k-probe.com/bitsetting-booktype-faq.php The first and third pages, linked to, may look the same, but they're not. Just scroll down to see the difference. Good luck! You can also check with the manufacturer of your player, and see if there's an upgrade for it's firmware. If it's read them in the past, you can try resetting your player, to the factory settings. It will tell you in the manual, how to do this. It may also be time to get a new player..............
Yeah -- none of the walkthroughs work. I get to a point and something doesn't add up. I AM USING DVD+R ... NOT RWs. Does that end this discussion REAL QUICK? My RWs are the ONLY thing that work in my DVD player. The FUJIs are +Rs and randomly work in the DVD player and ALWAYS work in my computer. But if that's not the case (if it's not for RWs and is for +Rs...then, none of the programs (lite, decrypt) worked. LITE ON -- downloaded it. Get to the first step -- "CHANGE BOOK TYPE" You're supposed to be able to pull down from "NORMAL" to DVD ROM. I can't pull down. There is no function -- the arrow is dim (I have a DVD+R in there -- the damn fuji that SOMETIMES work in my DVD player). SO I said F-k the lite on. I see the other LINK is for DVD Decrypter. Hell, I got that - that's what I burn with. OPen up DVD decrypter and make it all the way to STEP 7 which is: "Then select your respected burner's name which are on the tabs." I don't understand. My BURNER is shown at the top "DEVICE -- SONY DRU..." The "TABS" are NU Tech, Plex, RICOH, BenQ, LG, LITE-ON, NEC. I don't understand what the "TABS" are. I have none of those -- I selected LITEON for the hell of it ... since I just downloaded it. BUT the first option ... CHANGE FOR won't let me (nor do I know which) select DVD+R -- well it will, actually, but comes up as UNKNOWN FAILED! <--yes, exclamation point -- in the "Current setting" line. Which makes sense, b/c what the hell is the lite-on tab anyway. I don't know. I actually tired each option (nu tech, plex ...). None worked. So, I'm basically right back to SQUARE ONE. I read up the links -- makes sense ... DVD - ROM .. I got it. NOW, HOW DO I GET THESE TO WORK??? Or is this a different problem? Thanks - I guess.
Since you said you have Decrypter, I guess that's the software used to rip it to HD? What is the LiteOn? You said your burner is a Sony. Is the LiteOn a DVD Rom drive? It's possible your Sony burner doesn't support Booktyping. If your LiteOn is a burner also, here is a utility, made by LiteOn, for booktyping with LiteOn burners ([bold]Only[/bold] works with LiteOns). http://www.liteonit.com/global/index.php?option=com_wrapper&Itemid=153 First one on the page. Again.........it sounds like your Sony doesn't support booktyping. Sorry. Not all drives do. If the LiteOn is a burner, use it. As far as playing all the discs, you already have........since your Sony chooses not to play them a lot of the time, go to Wal Mart, and get one of the $30 players. Those cheap ones play almost anything. Not much else you can do to play ones already burned. If you can sometime, you can get a new LiteOn or BenQ burner online, for $30-$35. They'll booktype, and make things easier for you. They are good burners too............ Good luck!
hi just started having a problem i have been making backups of dvd movies for ages with all the regular software dvd fab dvdshrink never used nero for movies don't understand how so that they play on home set dvd player all of a sudden they won't play on home dvd player, but work on pc player, i added an external lg writer and i made to dvds fine then now the some problem happens any answers could it be drives, software codecs or something affecting my coping and burning thanks again largyros
Stand alone dvd players can be real choosy about the kind of media you burn to. Most don't care for the cheap, bad brands of media (Memorex, store brands, khypermedia, etc.). What brand do you use? Do you use -R or +R type? What brand of burner are you using? If your burner is capable of it, you can booktype +R discs, to be DVD Roms. That makes them more campatible with players. Store bought movies are booktyped to DVD Rom. That's why they play in almost everything.
it seems my problem must have been the new version of anydvd, don't know why but made everything out of sinc, how i use the setup that was suggested in another thread to use ripit4me with fixvt dvd decrypter and dvdshrink and so far so good, can't really understand what went wrong after all this time working fine...............lol thanks again
I don't believe it had anything to do with AnyDVD, or everyone that uses it, would be having the problem.
maybe wasnt anydvd, some software was interferring with the way the disc was being burnt, i have always used anydvd with great results so it was a surprise and aggravation to me also, well so far with the other software okay, when i have more time to spare i must check all out one by one............ something is rotten in my pc, and it is a pain to find it. and really not in the mood for a format at the moment, if you have any ideas how i can find the guilty program give me a hint, cause it is breaking my head...........thanks
It may be that your stand alone player is starting to go bad. I had a Panasonic player that started acting funny, even with store bought movies. I called Panasonic, and they walked me through some things to try, and they finally said I needed to send it in for repairs. I didn't. I bought my Pioneer, and have never looked back. The Panny only lasted about 3 years, so I won't buy anything else Panasonic. I expect stuff to last longer than that. Here's one more suggestion. It should tell you in your player's manual, how to set it back to factory settings, to be like it was when you took it out of the box. Sometimes that helps. It won't hurt anything to try it. Since the discs have worked before, maybe this will help you. Good luck!