i am using winfast tv2000 xp deluxe card. theres an option to burn direct to DVD. when ive done tests with this using a -RW Verbatim disc the disc has finalized & the result is good. however my main media i use are Yellow Datawrite discs with purple dye backs. when ive done the same things with these discs, the discs have not finalized or sometimes the software has hung. has anyone come across this?
ive tried contacting the fools & they tell me to download new software as it "might" work. ive only just bought the card & so the software should be up to date but in any case i downloaded the "latest" software & have REBUILT my pc & tried using various other (write once only) discs both + & - R & still got the same problem. When i use the RW (Rewritable) Verbatim disc that i have there appears to be no probs when finalizing the disc. I think the winfast software works off the Ulead Straight to Disk SDK software. Ive also tried using the direct to disc option within Uleads DVD Video Magic 3 & again when i try to record direct a program for a long period e.g an hour at the end it doesnt seem to finalize the disc as it neither the pc nor the dvd player then sees it.
the only solution ive found to this weird problem is to burn my capped programs to my RW disc & then make a copy onto a -R write once disc. does anyone know of any other direct burn dvd software?