Mikähän mahtaa olla C: asemassa vialla vaikka tilaa on 75 prosenttia :?: -Kiitos- Job Report Volume Paikallinen levy (C) Findings and Recommendations -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diskeeper has completed a defragmentation run on this volume and there remain 0 fragmented files and/or directories and 0 excess fragments. (There were 3 excess fragments before the defragmentation run, and now there are 100% fewer.) The average number of fragments per file is 1,00. Little or no fragmentation detected on this volume. You should keep Automatic Defragmentation turned on full time to maintain maximum performance. Master File Table (MFT) usage is 80% or higher on this volume. Use Frag Shield to configure the MFT on this volume to better match the current MFT usage. Health -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warning! The overall health of volume C: is degraded The overall health is at "Warning" level for the following reasons: 1. The MFT usage was currently 89 percent of the total MFT size, which indicates it is likely the MFT will become fragmented. Access Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time to read fragmented files on volume C Current read time: 71 milliseconds Optimum read time: 71 milliseconds 11% improvement Time to read all files on volume C Current read time: 6 minutes Optimum read time: 6 minutes 0% improvement Statistics -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Volume Files Volume size = 50 000 MB Cluster size = 4 KB Used space = 12 241 MB Free space = 37 759 MB Percent free space = 75 % Defragmentation method = Max Disk Performance Fragmentation percentage Volume fragmentation = 0 % Data fragmentation = 0 % Directory fragmentation Total directories = 4 379 Fragmented directories = 0 Excess directory fragments = 0 File fragmentation Total files = 44 100 Average file size = 338 KB Total fragmented files = 0 Total excess fragments = 0 Average fragments per file = 1.00 Files with performance loss = 0 Paging file fragmentation Paging/Swap file size = 769 MB Total fragments = 1 Master File Table (MFT) fragmentation Total MFT size = 54 128 KB MFT records In Use = 48 679 Percent MFT in use = 89 % Total MFT fragments = 1 Most Fragmented Files -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fragments File size Most fragmented files None
Ei tuossa logissa ainakaan mitään vikaa ole. Frag Shield:illa voit muuttaa noita MFT asetuksia, mutta se ei ole pakollista.
Kiitos sulle auttoi kun muutin asetuksia. Osaatko sanoa mistä johtunee että kun asensin Diskeeperin niin kun käynnistän koneen niin F-secure käynnistyy todella hitaasti?? -Kiitos-
Mullakin tuo diskeeper hidasti koneen käynnistymistä ihan sikana. Koita O&O:ta , mulla tuo ohjelma on toiminut todella liukkaasti.
kiitän vaihdoin tuohon "O&O Defraggiin" kysymys siihen liittyen eli kannattaako eheyttää levyt kaikilla noilla viidellä vaihtoehdolla?