Disney Dilemma

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by maya613, Dec 12, 2003.

  1. maya613

    maya613 Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    I have been having quite a time trying to make a backup of Pirates. DVD Decryptor and DVD 2One just don't seem to cut it--which is strange because they were doing a fine job before and they were both soo user friendly. I got DVD shrink and DVD Clone and find them both indecipherable in comparison. I don't understand why DVD2One can't seem to compress the DVD down enough to fit on one DVD-R-it compreese it to 4.41 GB in variable ratio/full disk-what's different about this Disney product?
  2. koola

    koola Guest

    4.41 GB is fine for a compressed DVD. Just burn it onto some quality DVD media and there will be no problems.
  3. maya613

    maya613 Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    Thanks for responding. That's the problem though--Nero and DVD Clone both said the the compressed file at 4.41 GB was too large to burn onto a 4.7 GB DVD-I used DVD Shrink and had it just compress the movie and got rid of some audio tracks it fit- I burned it onto rewritable just to check and it was fine. What was strange was, when I went to burn the same files on DVD+R it burned everything, including menus--so now I am really confused.

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