Distress Sailor With Virtualdubmod Sticky Error!

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by Jammerule, Sep 11, 2005.

  1. Jammerule

    Jammerule Member

    Jul 12, 2005
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    Ok first off, I am not sure of the format of the file ( the extension to be precise ) that I am trying to join. Well, technically it looks like an avi file cuz I can play it in vlc player or windows media. But since I downloaded it from a torrent site I guess it could be of xVID format. For that matter the name itself says xyz.DVDrip.xVID.cd1.... So anyways back to our problem...

    1. I have done quite a bit of research in forums like doom 9 and afterdawn and found out that for joining two avi files or xVID/DIVx - VirtualDub rules...so I first downloaded virtualDub and tried to append the two avi files ( hopefully they are!!) and was invited with an error saying :

    " VirtualDub Error Couldn't locate decompressor for format 'XVID' (unknown) VirtualDub requires a Video for Windows (VFW) compatible codec to decompress video. DirectShow codecs, such as those used by Windows Media Player, are not suitable. "

    at this time I didn't have codecs for xvid/divx and ac3....so I downloaded all of 'em and during that time I read in a forum that VirtualDubMod is much better off than the former. So I again downloaded VirtualDubMod and I gave the joing a spin again. This time much worse I got the following rebuke ..Here it is:

    " VirtualDub Error Cannot append segment: The audio streams have different sampling rates (15807.00000 vs. 15792.00000) "

    So can anybody please hint me on how to get over with this shitty joining biz...puhleez

    Many thanks
  2. aldaco12

    aldaco12 Active member

    Nov 6, 2002
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    Yes, it was an AVI (or the infos about the used codec would be meaningless).
    I assume the main problem lies in the AC3 audio.
    My sugestion (but you'll have to give up Dolby Surround until your PC can decode it) is:

    1) With VirualDubMod do Stream___Stream List and Demuc the AC3 stream.
    2) With HeadAC3he convert AC3 -> MP3 CBR [CBR = Constant Bit Rate]. Press 'Destination Format: MP3'. To choose CBR compression, just press the button'options' a couple of time to select CBR in both Mode: and Preset.
    HeadAC3he will produce a 128 kbps MP3 stream.
    To be sure, press also 'Resample to:' 48 kHz, so you won't have any sampling rate problem (but probably it won't be necessary).
    3) after all, load again the AVI (unless it was still open) with VirtualDubMod. Then set Video___Direct Stream Copy.
    Then do Stream___Stream List. Disable the present AC3 stream, Add the MP3 stream you made.
    After that do F7 (Save) in another file (different name).
    Do this for both files. Now you have 2 AVIs with CBR MP3 sound.
    This AVI files has a 'standard' MP3 audio, the same video (you set Direct Stream Copy) and now you should be eble to join them.

    This is not the best result to achieve, but since your PC cannot handle AC3 (and you'll notice a difference only if your DVD home theatre set has Surround speakers)...

    (Ah Xvid if free, install it. Inatall also DivX, if you don't need to compress a new movie is free as well ...)
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2005
  3. Jammerule

    Jammerule Member

    Jul 12, 2005
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    hey aldaco..
    OK ..got some initial questions:

    "1) With VirualDubMod do Stream___Stream List and Demuc the AC3 stream."

    where does Stream option come from in virtualdubmod..I am using version 1.4.10

    "2)With HeadAC3he convert AC3 "

    I presume HeadAC3he to be a software. Am I correct

    Please clarify these in order for me to continue editing.

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