DivX and Stand Alone DVD Players

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by Chino112, Aug 11, 2002.

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  1. Chino112

    Chino112 Guest

    These days i have like so many DivX's and was wondering if i can play them on my stand alone dvd player. So is there any way you can get a Mod Chip for your DVD Player so it can support Divx? Kinda like in a playstayion.
  2. dRD

    dRD I hate titles Staff Member

    Jun 10, 1999
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    No can do. Problem is that DivX is not a standard, doesn't have any specified resolutions, bitrates, audio standards, methods of storing it on CD, etc.. Once they develop a standardized method of storing MPEG-4 video (same as DivX) on CD, it could happen.
  3. Chino112

    Chino112 Guest

    Oh, well thanx for the help anyways.
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