Hi, I've been having some problems with divx playback. sometimes it will freeze, and when I start playing it again from the same place it plays with no sound. any ideas? All these files played no probs before. Thanx
Try downloading Nimo Codec pack, helps for almost anything.. there`s also a little program on i think www.doom9.org go to 'downloads' there, called divx anti-freeze, that might help too.. and if ur really stuck u can also try to download the SLD codec pack. if that won`t work.. come back here. and ask for more help
I already have nimo installed, installed it again incase anything went funny with it, still same prob, I tried divx antifreeze. wait and see if I have any more probs but seems to be goin fine at the mo. Thanx!
I usually use winamp3... divx playa tends to crash alot or it used to so I don't bother with it unless I have to fall back on something... divx froze on me in winamp, windows media player and the playa...