I have a divx movie that plays great on my computer. I recently burned the files as a data cd/dvd to a cd-r and to a dvd+r via Nero 7 to play on a Phillips DVP642 that has Divx playback. The audio and video are out of synch when played on the standalone player. I also used virtual dub and TMPGENC to "rework" the movie and burn it as cd and dvd with the same out of synch results. Any suggestions? Thanks
HI. I have the same player as you and have been burning a lot of divx movies recently but have not had any problem so far except that video size is quite small in some movies. I dont go through nero..wanted to try something else so am using ashampoo to do the encoding (if reqd) and the burning have had no prob till date. maybe you can give it a shot.
Some stats on the file might help. For instance N-VOP's cause sync problems on the DVP-642, but then DivX never creates real N-VOP's. Still I guess the DivX Media Format can handle XviD. Still some stats on audio, video, interleaving, container, etc. would help.
Ive had problems conveting with nero many times, its could be as simple as restarting your computer. its happend to me so much that i started using Winavi to convert the files and used nero to burn the bup files. ect. using that method works wonders for me perfect audio and video every time
Thanks to everyone for your responses. I took the easy way out and found another copy of the movie I was working with. Had no synch problem with it at all. I think the issue was specific to the original movie.