I have downloaded a movie from the net that is a DivX...Avi and its 830MB in size. Unfortunately this wont fit ona CD of 700MB. How can I resize it without video loss. I tried Dr DivX and that degraded the picture too much. Please help.
Hi, I wouldn't reencode it, I would try to trim the file if possible, get rid of the credits You cant reencode a file and expect to get the same quality. Its like making a vhs copy of a vhs, you are going to lose quality. I would split up the file into twos, or convert it to a SVCD file, or KVCD file.
It's illegal to download movies you haven't paid for and it's also against the rules of the forum to even request or post information on how to find or use them. Buy the movie if you want a good working copy and then make a legitimate back-up which make you forget DiVx copies altogether. Now that, that's said, there is little you can do with it except burn it as a data file on a DVD burner, and yes it will play on your pc.
Hi, If you want to be more techincal, it is illegal to make a backup copy of your DVD that you bought from the store. So what you're are saying is illegal too. Just thought I point that out.
It's not illegal to make a back-up of a legitimately paid for work, but because a technicality it is illegal to decrypt or skirt copy guards. Some of us feel that our legal rights are being unfairly challenged by greedy media giants. Excerpt from "The Fair Use Doctrine" What does the "fair use privilege" mean? Several important limitations to the author's exclusive rights exist under copyright law to encourage citizens to fully and openly exchange and build upon information to increase the public's knowledge. The most important limitation to the author's exclusive rights is the public's right to exercise a "fair use privilege" regarding copyrighted works. Fair use refers to an individual's right to use copyrighted material in a reasonable manner without the consent of copyright owner. In Sony v. Universal City Studios; the U.S. Supreme Court stated, "any individual may reproduce a copyrighted work for a 'fair use;' the copyright owner does not possess the exclusive right to such a use." The fair use privilege was originally a judicially created doctrine, but has subsequently been codified by the copyright statute.
Yikes - only a twit would encode something 830MB (and the quality might still be poor). So, DrSadad there's nothing to be done, except trim? 130MB? Good luck. Sophocles, you SOUND like a lawyer... but are, of course, correct. Don't forget American law applies only in one small country of this great big world. In Canada you can make one backup for personal use, of ANYTHING (fair use, yadda yadda, what you said). Never met an American I didn't like, but I still wouldn't want to live there (too many lawyers).
I agree regarding lawyers. I lived in Canada for more than 20 years and believe me there are lawyers there too, it's just that they are regulated more by the law and government. I am an Americanadian. I am an educator not a lawyer and before I became an Educator I was a professional musician.