Since many people have been asking the past days about this guide, and because Afterdawn doesn't have one I copy here the link of my guide which is now uploaded: This method also works for other files like XviD, VCD and more. I will be happy to answer your questions - suggestions if you reply here. Thanks.
This is not fair! Open your own post koola! Just kidding man, just wanted to say, this flash is a little bit slow, I think you should make it go a little faster. Nice design mate, I need some instructions!!
C'mon guys lets see some REAL sparring......LOL (sorry could not resist to post) Who's is the best guide then? - don't forget your trying to sell yourselves now - keep it clean...LOL
Hehe, the guides are pretty much the same baabaa! I am not going to argue, there is no point, I have already send my men to "talk" to koola. I think you should start saying good byes to him. He is going to make a long, long trip... He thought he could mess up with me! Mouuuuaxaxaxa! (bad-guy-like laughing)
Well I don't think you will be able to do that, the time is coming. My men will fill your PC with bullets, after dealing with you of course. Bye koola, it was nice talking to you!
Lovely.....nice to see it is hotting up...... I am still yet unconvinced which one to look at first.........keep selling...LOL
Let's see, 3:09. Hmmmm..... See koola's first to pay tribute to man who knew about video but messed up but with the wrong person. Also it's his last guide, for this world, he has the advantage. PS: I think this should go to Safety Valve soon or later, people will think I am a phycho!
Ha ha ha ha (Tough guy laughing) These men of #afonic were nothing! I quized them about DVD and their brains exploded as they could not handdle the complexity of DVD. The time has come to make #afonic realize that KOOLA is the Godfather of DVD Guides before his PC is hacked apart by my leet hitmen (behindyou!). PS: Thats a good idea, we'll all get accused of phychos! Also baabaa, you're a very bad sheep. Resist that urge!
OK it is set. Tomorrow I will send you 5 guys of mine and you can give them orders. You're a good man, and good mans are my friends. Lets get rid of that baabaa thing!!
LM fluffy AO....... Baabaa is running for the hills.......not ready for mint sauce yet........ But wait, can you hear it yet, very silent but there is a slight noise coming over the horizon....slowly increasing in volume.....little bunnies are scampering for their are locking up their stables and daughters..... It's the 'Brotherhood of Rams' now your for it....560 fights, 559 victories by way of knockout and one submission due to man with big cleaver..... No chewing of ears by the way........ You guys just cheered me up no end......Baaaaaaaaa!!!!!!