I have downloaded Lost episodes, I import the first 5 into DivxtoDVD and they come up as 4.53gb. This seems fair as I will shrink them to dvd-5 via DVDShrink afterwards. After they have encoded and saved to a folder I open the dvd in DVDShrink and it comes up with all 5 episodes fine BUT the dvd is coming up as 3.54gb instead of the original 4.53gb - even when I look in Properties in Windows Explorer its 3.54gb. The audio is in sync and the video is very good. What I am asking is: Am I somehow loosing quality by not allowing DivxtoDVD to burn to dvd but instead to harddisk folder and it coming up as less than what it stated? This also means that I can fit another episode. Any ideas about whats happening?
the files that divxtodvd or the iso that shrink created are 3.54 ? are sure that the 4.53 that was estimated wasnt reqired space on your drive if it was it may have included temp files used durring conversion