Hello, I have an unofficial version of Empire Earth II. It came with two game images in .ISO format, a keygen.exe (for making the keycode when I install the game), and a folder called No Cd Crack, which contains a .exe. I have no experience with cracks, but when I go to open it, it tells me "The procedure entry point_BinkSetVolume@12 could not be located in the dynamic link library binkw32.dll." Before this problem, it told me it couldn't locate binkw32.dll, so I downloaded it and it doesn't seem to have an entry point. There may be more missing information, but it is unknown until I can get past this current problem. Is there anyone who are experts on .dll or CD cracks that can help?
-erommel-....how dare you come back and post this here!! I answered your question here http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/240931 and if you can't figure it out by then,, then don't grab torrents, go out..get a job and buy the damn game.
Agreed with gstar20!! Why did you change your name? Could a mod not change your name from geestar20 to gstar20?
Its no big thing, I still have my geestar20 account, its just that some people are stuck on making a rank that they get all caught up making usless post and what not. I wanna earn my respect from other people here and not just demand respect because I have a title. Thats just me though.
I agree with you gstar20, i feel the same way... But i think you already have a lot of respect on aD's forums : )
might i mention that this game is not the same one posted in the other forum and this problem is a completely different one then the last; a need help with a .dll file that is somehow connected with EE2. If your not going to provide it, then fusk off and stop using bytes to post messages that are really useless BTW: i never mentioned that it was some damn torrent
Im sorry man, my fault I guess I jumped the gun and totally misunderstood that either way this game was not a download. Your the one who needs to fuckoff and go buy the game...looser!
if i have broke any rules (which i could not find btw) through vulgar language then maybe i'll be able to see who has the smallest balls to get me banned the fact is: if one forum fails to help me, then i try again so dont be criticizing me for trying to gain knowledge i think i might be able to help others on the forums like the rules say (and give my consent to Communism) except i will always know less than everone else, cuz i have a life; i have a job and i go to school i am not going to waste my time trying to help others when i have my own problems, i dont need you blaming me for actions which would be considered normal with someone that isn't a computer geek
i think buying the game is out of the question you see, i'm not rich like you it's just my personal protest to the corrupt american government
Since you came out like a gentlemen and not caused a rukus do to my lack of respect I will apologize and help. What your going to have to do (if you have done this already) is, if you have a shortcut on your desktop right it and select properties and findtarget, from there grab the cr*k and copy and paste it in the directory, it will then overwrite the original .exe and off you go ready to be played.
well, i wont be able to try it for a several hours seeing that im busy, but i dont see how it will work since .dll files are part of the system within windows on the harddrive does it matter what harddrive it's on? i have about 5 and WINDOWS/SYSTEM32 is on C: but the game is on E: would that matter?
well, it didn't work but thanx for ur help i'll just see what my rich uncle can do about it just for the future, should i always findtarget and copy the crack into the directory?