Hi all, Just wondering if anyone has got a dreambox7025c working with N*L. If so can you tell us how you are getting on with it Regards Keith
Use the latest gemini image and install a emu via blue pannel and upload matching key files and rom files to the box.
There is no userguide needed to install evocamd or mgcamd and the coresponding config files via the online update feature. The keyfiles go to var/keys via an ftp programm.
If you installed a gemini image connect the box to your router, enable DHCP in the network menue, save and restart network, go to the blue pannel and install evocamd or mgcamd and the corresponding config files via online addon installation.
Download the special files or secret files for a dbox2 from a dbox forum. The key files and rom files are the same.
Hi mgb17, Me again sorry about thishave done all the above but when i do a scan on the cable reciver I find no service, Have a dm500c and when i do scan i find the stations, any ideas. Thanks for all the help
Go to the manual scan. select the right tuner and do a network search via the dvb default frequency of your area and the right symbol rate. FEC is 3/4.
Just a star. Thanks 4 all the help. You don't mind if i get stuck to email you once again Thanks Keith