DMCA and DMCRA in business

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by RWHG, Nov 5, 2005.

  1. RWHG

    RWHG Member

    Nov 5, 2005
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    I was thinking of a business idea and wanted some input on the legality of the matter.

    I wanted to make a business in which I make music videos for people for vacations/birthdays/weddings/etc. The way I read the law, as long as the person I am doing this for owns the copyrighted materials used in the video through legal means, I could use their copyrighted materials (e.g. a music track or video clip) in their video since it would be protected under their "fair use" practice for personal use. I am merely providing the service of constructing the video for them and selling those services to them, not the copyrighted materials.

    Your feedback is appreciated.
  2. RavenLife

    RavenLife Regular member

    Oct 2, 2005
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    i don't know a whole lot about this

    but it is my understanding

    that most things cannot be copied or reproduced in anyway.

    or something like that.

    i could be wrong
  3. chromesn

    chromesn Guest

    actually, it depends on what describes "personal use". going to watch it at home? np. going to show it along with a porn movie at the local elks lodge? not.

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