DMR-HS2 ....burned DVD stalls sometimes

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by thevenaz, Dec 30, 2003.

  1. thevenaz

    thevenaz Guest

    have just copied VHS tape to HDD and edited all unwanted pieces...(all done in XP mode) then burned DVD in FR mode ....all seems to be ok in final product except that every now and then the play stalls for one or two there a problem burning straight from an edited HDD playlist to DVD-R.Also I seem to have a problem useing the
    Erasing a Scene from a play list (as per manual page 53) I followed the directions given but it doesnt work.
    Appreciate any comments.
  2. herbsman

    herbsman Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 3, 2002
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    Did you remove MacroVision protection ?

    (could possibly be the problem) !;-)
  3. thevenaz

    thevenaz Guest

    how do I do that......but the video clips are old....several years shouldnt be affected by do I control Microvision protection?
  4. dansisler

    dansisler Member

    Nov 1, 2003
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    are you experiencing this prob while playing on the HS-2 or a separate standalone DVD player? this shouldnt happen on the HS-2, but could on the standalone.

    recommendation is to play HS-2 "burned" DVDs on the HS-2 whenever possible.
  5. thevenaz

    thevenaz Guest

    I played burned DVD-R on another brand DVD player...maybe that is the problem...havent tried to watch it on HS2 standalone....but if I wanted to make another backup copy on VCR do I have to buy another Panasonic DVD/VCR combo player/recorder? I was under the impression that the burned DVD-R copy is perfect for playing in another machine (different brand)
    thx for the advice anyway...
  6. thevenaz

    thevenaz Guest

    have spoken to a Panasonic support staff member and maybe the problem is that I should have recorded the video clips onto the HS2 hard drive using the "pause" button instead I used the "stop" button and the picture freeze happend always at the end of one program then switching to the next program. But I was under the impression that it should still be seamless if say all nine programs on one playlist are burned onto one DVD-R. Would appreciate if anybody could tell me of different results...i.e. combining several programs in one playlist without any hiccups in a finalised DVD-R.

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