i have a dvd burner that i use clone cd with and make 1 to 1 copies of my dvd's (duel layer) and i notice that after say maybe 40 burns the movies i back up start to pixilate toward the end of the movies. is this do to my burner wearing down, and if so is there anyway to prolong the life of my burner (slower burn speed, ect.)
Yes they do wear out though your problem could also be the media you are using and/or firmware of the burner not up to date and burn speed. So what speed are you burning at, media using and firmware up to date?
Ah so you have all the bases covered Ok try playing it back in the pc and see if your get the same problem there. It may just be that the burner is not doing the best job when reaching the end of burning a dual layer. Any problems w/ single layer dvd's?
ya i get the same probs with single layer as well. i have 2 identical dvd burners. i usually use 1 for reading and 1 for burning. when the first one started giving me problems i switched and used the reader to write and vise versa. so now i have no problems (yet). now this burner is getting up there in burns and i fear it may soon start to fail.
May not there's no set in stone 'max' burns. Some go sooner then others even same brand. If you're getting pixelation on single layer too then yeah I'm going to go with the burner esp. with firmware up to date and using good media. I use a dvd lens cleaner every so often on the burners to clean off any dust the lens. May help. To try and extend the life of the burner you can always let it 'rest' betweens burns like if your doing several in a row. Then just the regular pc maintenance inside & out. But good burners are pretty cheap now - heck you can pick up a spare for like $35 - cheaper then a spindle of the dual layers