do i buy an xbox 360 and how

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by pwhite23, Mar 24, 2008.

  1. pwhite23

    pwhite23 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2006
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    Okay i dont think this belongs in the xbox 360 section as I am not referring to the console.
    * and when i say xbox i mean xbox 360 (for no confusion)

    This is my situation, my brother took our xbox to college and he will have it for a few more months. I am a pretty active person its just that i always feel like i need to be working on a project of some sort. I used to play video games a lot. but then I stopped playing for 2 months stright and my brother noticed and took the xbox to college. I don't need to play its no craving i just think it would be cool to buy a new xbox and mod it to backup games etc... I wouldn't play it that much but a project is a fun project to me. There is a money issue as i currently only have like 80 dollars and no job. I really want to mod an xbox for some crazy reason (to get backups and all) but I can also weight and i don't really want to play video games to much. Any ways you guys have of me making some dough to save up. i dont have to much to sell on ebay. I have a nintendo 64 and regular xbox and thats about it. Call me crazy but i think modding an xbox would be a lot of fun.

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    Do you have a lawnmower? Get a couple of yards to mow every week or every other week for $30-40 a pop. It's also spring time and there is lots of other yard work to be done...raking, trimming pruning, planting etc. This is all easy money and if you get 3-4 yards in a few weeks you could have the money you need.
  3. pwhite23

    pwhite23 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2006
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    ya there is just a few problems there.
    1. i live in chicago and there is still snow
    2. i have activities and sports that take up my days. Some of my days i get home from school and 3. and then leave for tennis untill 9:30 at night. also my season just started up so i have practice every day. tournaments every weekend and matches scattered through out the week days.
  4. goodswipe

    goodswipe Guest

    You can challenge some folks to a game of tennis. Ten bucks to buy in. Winner takes all. ;)
  5. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    offer to clear people's driveways of snow ?
  6. pwhite23

    pwhite23 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2006
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    wow these ideas are crazier than my cat :) and he is one crazy cat. well actually kitten. Um the idea about the challenging 10 dollars. no that wont work out to well, probably be loosing money. Uh the place i play at is the top club in the midwest, and thats where all the nationally ranked kids are. um.. second idea shoveling..for one relating back to the tennis that i have barely i would be shoveling at night with one hand while on the other hand a flashlight trying to read a stupid book for Modern Literature, dumb book. also about the shoveling.. by saying that comment that you did you obviously don't live in chicago. Its 50 degrees one day and than the day after we will have four inches of snow. then the next day it will be 50 again. So once it snows, it snows a lot but then eventually gets cleared up.

    for now hopefully ocarania of time on N64 will hold my needs...but hey im already on the shadow temple.

  7. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    With all this going on, how do you have time for such an xbox project? Das hat viel Sinn nicht.
  8. pwhite23

    pwhite23 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2006
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    I dont have to much time to spare. But every other day or so I will get a few hours of free time by not going to practice or something.

    Warum Sie sind, der auf Deutsch redet

    dang i need money
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2008

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    I played tennis through JHS, HS and college. In between practice, meets and tournaments I gave lessons, both private and as an employee with the local tennis facility. That is a good way to make money. Surely the owner/operator of the tennis center you practice at gives weekend clinics to the youngsters in the area so ask them if they need help. I also worked with the local pro giving lessons feeding balls to whoever he was teaching at the time. If you have to start as a ball boy take it. There are ways to make money, but it doesn't sound like you are willing to make too much of an effort to do so.
  10. pwhite23

    pwhite23 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2006
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    no im clearly tring to make efforts. keep in mind i am a senior and can't make to much of a commitment. By summer i already have multiple jobs linned up for me. As for the tennis feeding. My dad actually works at the club that i do. its about a 45 minute drive everyday and both my parents work so i can't safely say i will make it every day to work. Both my parents real estate agents.

    As for the money i was just trying to look for a quick way to earn cash.

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