Hey! The Bios doesn't lie(most of the time). You have one P4 processor. P4s with Hyperthreading mimic a second virtual processor. If you ALT-CTRL-DEL into the task manager,click Performance tab,View,CPU History, you can choose to see one graph or two for your P4. One is the true CPU and the other is the virtual. Programs will load and run slowly if you don't keep your machine on a regular maintenance program. You should use Disk Defragmenter at least once a week. Error checking/Scandisk is a good idea also. You could possibly have nasty stuff like adware/spyware that slows the loading process. Be sure to protect yourself with a good utility. Pest Control is one of the best and will clean your machine. There is a freeware utility avalable here... http://www.ccleaner.com/ Hope this helps.
In system information it says under processor catagories it says I have two P4 processors (Prescott). Under computer it says multiprocessor but I'm pretty sure I have only one processor. BIOS loads and says main processor and not dual. How can I confirm this? Also my comp is brand spanking new but it runs slow when loading up applications or doing stuff on windows. My games run fine. My friend has an XP1700 and 768 DDR RAM and the programs load up faster then mine. My specs are Pent 4 3.0ghz, 512 DDR Ram, 256 PCIe MB video card. I want to know why my comp loads up programs and applications so damn slow.
its not all about your cpu specs and how much memory also has to do with ur harddrive....what are your harddrive specs?
Hey! It appears that you have a very quick disk. Sata 150 is the newest from seagate. Are you using virus protection? Is it slow from startup or just applications? Has it always been slow or has it got slow lately?
I am running Panda Titanium in the back but I don't think that's causing it. Even when I got it straight from the factory it's been slow.
Hey! Run the Defragmentation utility and see what you find. If the disk is fragmented, that would cause the slowness. ALT-CTRL-DEL and see what you have running-- your system idle time should be above 96%. Also run the MSCONFIG command from the run box and click the STARTUP tab. See what you have running at startup-- there should be the basic stuff like the Panda and spyware remover. You should not have over 10 items. You can choose to disable the ones you dont need to be running all the time. What kind of machine is it? I'll ask around to see if it's common. Does your hard disk LED flash constantly or more than it should?
Hey! What is the make? Or is it a clone? Have you tried contacting the seller and asking them why its slow?
I contacted them and they don't have a clue on why it's so slow. There wasn't that many programs installed on my comp when I got it. I appreciate your help Ianski7.