I'd like to try CopyToDVD, but after reading all this information, it seems like I might need to download an ASPI driver first. If so, then one driver is best? I'm on XP.
What drive have you got? Most drives download the ASPI layer automatically when needed, unless you disable it. However it can become corrupted or doesn't download correctly. To correct this use Force ASPI which is safe to use and you can get it from here:http://www.clonecd.net/aspi.htm I'd try CopytoDVD first and forget the ASPI issue unless it doesn't work properly.
Nero comes with it's own ASPI... _X_X_X_X_X_[small] I give you all these seed bearing plants & 'erbs to use...[/small]
hey, 'tanks to both of you. yup, it didn't need an ASPI driver. Works great except it won't accept my video image, which I'm trying to figure out right now.