do you always have to download par files for a movie on newsgroups?

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by dvdbunny1, Nov 26, 2006.

  1. dvdbunny1

    dvdbunny1 Member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    Hey guys

    I have been using usenet newsgroups for the past few days, i have been downloading some movies. When i see the movie like a DVD, there usually 4.5GB then there is a set of par files that come in at another 400MB-500MB. Do i always need to download these sets of par files?

    The reason i ask the above is because i am on a 25GB monthly account with my usenet provider. So if i don't have to download that extra amount for par files for each movie then i could be saving a lot of my monthly limit in order to at least get an extra movie or two to download.

    I am currently using quickpar which tells me which rar files are missing or damaged. But is there not a way i can download just enough par files that will tell me what i am missing or which rars are damaged but without actually having to download that extra 400-500MB's? Is there a more advanced option in quickpar which i am not using yet? Or is there any other par file software on the internet that can offer this?

    Any help much appreciated

    Many many thanks
  2. SadJoker

    SadJoker Regular member

    Oct 28, 2002
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    No you dont have to download the pars but as you already stated, you might need them in order to repair some rars are damaged/incomplete.

    you can always just download the rars themselfs w/o the pars and see if you overall dont need the pars. you can always go back and get the pars later , but sometymes depending on your Usenet provider's retention policy, the pars might not be there when you figure out you did need them.

    as for only getting the pars you need, that Im not sure about. as far as I know, the par set is built on the whole rar set so picking out a specific par for a specific rar might not be doable.

    Also, you dont always need every par to fix/repair a download. QuickPar will just scan thru the pars you have first, make a note that you are missing some pars and start scanning the rars. problem is that IF you dont have all the pars and QuickPar goes to start repairing damaged/incomplete rars and comes across a par it needs but you dont have, the repair is going halt

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