Do you know of any affiliate programs that work well?

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Pop_Smith, Oct 1, 2005.

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  1. Pop_Smith

    Pop_Smith Regular member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    Hey guys, ok you may have recalled a while ago I asked for input on eDeals. Well, it is still in it development stage (A HUGE thanks to Frank for the AMAZING work he is doing!) and I am thinking that I would like to put an affiliate program on the site.

    I have looked into this one for the time being (have not committed to it yet)

    That page contains the prices of this program (and the benefits) so you guys could take a peek. I am not sure what program to use, I think the "License" would be the best (its $800 but, no monthly fees and all of the benefits)

    It basicly gives me unlimited everything for a one-time $800 fee.

    The only problem with this program is this:
    its not capable with my shopping cart (AgoraCart 4.0K-4b Standard)
    Hopefully the company will do something about that, I emailed them about it today but, they may not be able to make it "Compatible".

    If you guys know of any good affiliate programs like this one that supports my cart let me know.


    Pop Smith
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