If you do - let me know - I finally - after a long painful and lots of downloads - found a solution that really works, without loosing any quality, no long process and no being a genious in IT and not having to be forced to either quit Audible or sell my MP3 and buy a Apple. If you do still need it, due to - I saw that allot of people did have the problem and I am one of them - so, If you still need help I can email you the link to the software that doesnt just promise it does it, but it actually works, its not expensive, not for free, but its superb.
No I am not advertising - if you would read the whole threat right you can see that I am not .... doooooo, I was just happy to share something with other people who have the same problem then me and reading the old threats really offer no solutions for anybody - some of them might have worked for some people, but not for average jo/jane. That is all, but obviously you are all so suspicisious that you can not even see a tree in the forest. I am sorry for that - If you are all that up tight - then I am not wasting my time ... I thought IT buffs suppose to be helpful, cheerful and relaxed.. and definately not narrow minded... I'll guess you are as narrow minded as an accountant... over protective over your little domain and not sharing at all....mmmmm dont know if I want to be a memember of something that narrow minded. But no I am just a simple soul sharing some info. thanks for nothing....
excuse me!!! you don't know me at all. besides being a mod on this site, i also run a home based computer repair business so i help a hell of a lot more people both on this site & with my customers. think 1st before shooting mouth off as you'll loose with me or any other mod on this site.
Is their something I am missing here? I thought this site is for helping each other and not to take out any frustrations ... You are right I dont know you or anybody here. So if their is a joke I am missing or something it would be nice to clue me in... Why would I move to a proper forum - I dont get this one? what type of forum and why is the MOD so hostile? I did not attack anybody at first, but instead of welcoming me to the community and then asking me first what it is - you should have not assumed before voicing your opinion either of what I said, since you did not know me at all either. Now we might got of the wrong foot, and I am not scared of a good confrontation, but I dont join to be pushed around, insulted, accused and just people plain out assume things of what I say. I am sure we are all adult enough to get back on track, or?
Well, its not advertising at all - I honestly said that its not for free, so people dont think that its a shareware or they can have it from me. Did not see anything wrong with that.
Well then, first off I should say welcome to AD and enjoy your stay... With that said, I requested this thread be moved to a more appropriate forum becuase I believe it was originally posted in the DVD Shrink forum. This thread has nothing to do with DVD Shrink, thus the request. ddp is one of the best and most active mods we have here at AD...he was not being hostile, but merely giving fair warning; it is his job to patrol the site for failure to comply with the rules. As you can imagine forums such as this get spammed constantly. But spammers don't usually stick around to reply to the posts, so I think you are safe on this one. Don't leave room for assumption and assumptions won't be taken...no one will judge when accurate information in given. ...and after several posts this superb software is still a mystery. Why not disclose the name of the software and link to where it can be found. Perhaps retitle the thread "Need help with *insert mystery software title here*" and this one will turn to a more positive light.
thanks for the explanation - its appreciated - new forum / new rules - I saw that you have already a software that converts .aa and audio books, so I just drop it. Now, it got too hipped up - and I dont feel being off to such a wrong start its a good idea. I did not know I was put int he wrong forum, bit confusing - of course I understand about the spam stuff, but I think my communication level and yours are on different areas, not sure if this is the right forum for me. I dont mind discussion, but being jumped at the first time I say something, left a bitter after taste, and I am sure you can understand that. Take care, bye for now.