I have a shuttle style pc case which currently supports my 3 year loyal ATI 9500,it still runs fine but when i finnally upgrade i wanna get something like the x800 series,but does it fit,as this card appears to take 2 spaces because of fan e.t.c!! it looks like my AGP is right at edge of case between the case side and a pci card.
that is the point im rather happy with this style of case/mb(n force2) i dont wanna change so was wondering what i can do!!
see if can get the dimensions of the card especially thickness to see how well it sit in relation to the case side in spacing
I guess it depends on the model of Shuttle that you have. A neighbor's kid has a SFF Shuttle that he uses for LAN parties and I believe he has a later model video card. http://www.anandtech.com/systems/showdoc.aspx?i=2120&p=2 That review states that an x800 will fit in a Shuttle SK83G Small Form Factor case.