Yes. But remember you can only record in stereo despite the digital surround track on the original DVD. You can easily put more than one film on a disc too.
... The problem with DVD player to DVD recorder is that you cannot 'clone' a DVD like you can using DVD Decrypter and DVD Shrink on your computer ...
You can copy the movie and the extras, but you won't be able to duplicate the menu functions ... In other words, your copy will function like a VHS tape with DVD quality ...
[joshmack] [catfreak] ---- has addressed the isue If you have a HACKED LiteON or ilo, you can copy a Protected DVD to the recorder. Uou must have another DVD player to play the DVD and than you can record it on the rcorder. [In real time]. If you want the menu function. A PC with Decrypter and Shrink is the way.If you are like me and just want to see the main program and don't care about the menu. The stand alone recorder is the way. There are a lot of new protection schemes. and most recorders are compliant.