I have my old 21" CRT TV connected to my PC via s-video. My monitor is set as the default display device and my TV is set to Clone. Would this setup have any impact on performance when enabled? and If so, how much exactly?
I´ve always used clone mode, even with really "piece of shit" computer, and never noticed that it has something to do with performance. At least you wont know anything, if it does. So I dont think it does have much impact.
I haven't noticed any difference either, but i thought it would put more workload on the video card to draw the second display. I started downloading 3dmark06 when i left home for work this morning, so i'll run a couple of benchmarks tonight, with and without cloned view enabled, and post my results.
Here are the results from my first set of bencharks using 3Dmark06 @ default settings (and no laughing at my scores ). PC connected to TV via svideo in cloned mode: - 3Dmark score: 8959 - SM2.0 Score: 4101 - HDR/SM3.0 Score: 4313 - CPU Score: 1932 Monitor set to single view: - 3Dmark score: 8876 - SM2.0 Score: 4009 - HDR/SM3.0 Score: 4313 - CPU Score: 1938 lol xD, according to my first set of tests it's better to run your system in cloned mode. Well, i knew this couldn't be right and i knew my 9600GT was being bottlenecked by my CPU, so i decided to run another test with settings that would push my graphics card a little more. I raised AA to x8 and AF to x16. here were the results: PC connected to TV via svideo in cloned mode 8xAA 16xAF: - 3Dmark score: 6284 - SM2.0 Score: 2959 - HDR/SM3.0 Score: 2344 - CPU Score: 1941 Monitor set to single view 8xAA 16xAF: - 3Dmark score: 6314 - SM2.0 Score: 2979 - HDR/SM3.0 Score: 2356 - CPU Score: 1941 After i checked my benchmark scores i came away with the conclusion that running two displays in cloned view uses no extra resources, and if it does it's barely noticible. what a waste of time xD