dose any one of you got something to say? - come join the incoherence

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by brokenkey, Feb 12, 2009.

  1. brokenkey

    brokenkey Member

    Feb 12, 2009
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    hi just want to ask for help for my software from yahoo. that i need to stop from other user to connect and change my details . thank you ..
  2. bryston

    bryston Regular member

    Oct 28, 2008
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    I have no idea as to what you are asking, so kindly as to rephrase your question with much more details.

  3. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    moved to correct forum as not a dvd player issue.
  4. 7thsinger

    7thsinger Regular member

    Oct 17, 2007
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    Push the button. Then hit ALT + F4. Then push the button. Then hit ALT + F4. Repeat as necessary.
  5. brokenkey

    brokenkey Member

    Feb 12, 2009
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    jo its like this .. i got a yahoo mail account and it seem that my pass word and securty question is being broken and not only that jo he also change the pass word and my security question for my log on so that why i cant use it any more and also he keeps on sending me messages that he only barrow my account which he knows that i also have another account of yahoo on my messenger list. its seem that yahoo is no longer safe for thiefts and hacker that why i'm so dispret to get a software that can track down an i.p. location and send a police for that.. for example jo if you got a personal thing on you email and if someone open it up and change everthing you know on your account are you going to be happy? its a big problem now a day that hacking and changing data files of your account we never know that that thieft is already stealing money from you bank account..

  6. dailun

    dailun Active member

    Mar 16, 2006
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    1. Contact everyone that you gave that e-mail address to and let them know that the address is no longer valid.

    2. Quit using that e-mail account. Give it up[. You aren't getting it back and even if you could, you wouldn't want it.

    3. Don't use "freemail" for personal or sensitive information.

    4. Review your own personal security procedures. Don't use public terminals to access your e-mail, etc.

    Contact Yahoo and explain your situation to them. They may or may not have a solution considering your personal information has been hijacked as well.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2009
  7. brokenkey

    brokenkey Member

    Feb 12, 2009
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    will i did all those things but it seem that don't seem to listen and they are no where to be contact with. i tell all my friends and also other company that can no long be trusted for emails and private messaging. i keep trying to reach yahoo buy it seem that they don't want to be reach i sent an email to them to say that my account is bieng hijack but do you know what there reply to me.. read this below. . . . . "Hello,

    This is an automated message regarding your recent request for Yahoo!
    Mail Customer Care support. We have received your message and will
    respond within the next 48 hours with an answer.

    Thank you for reaching out to us. We look forward to helping you!


    Yahoo! Customer Care

    **Please do not respond to this message as no one will receive it."

    no matter how hard i do it seems that they just keep ignoring it. i try to do something to stop it but i just cant built a software to stop cause i don't know what software they are using to decode an account in yahoo. . . and its hard to say when they are going to attack the system of your email .. .. i was really shock to know that no matter how long is your password and how long is your security answer is they still cath it like a ball that bounce..

  8. dailun

    dailun Active member

    Mar 16, 2006
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    Well, you have done all that you can do.

    Other than provide empathy and a place for you to vent, what it is that you expect that someone can do for you?
  9. brokenkey

    brokenkey Member

    Feb 12, 2009
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    i was just hoping that yahoo services will be in a good service but it turns out that they are all thesame promisses. will if know what software they are usieng i may be can give another alter software to stop from keep on building and keep on sharing to the unrightfull one.. but it turs out the all the good guys or nerdzz lost the game such as this. will i think the nerd of yahoo have given up for this situation cause i also heard from my other friends when they try to go to some chatt room of yahoo that after they are finnish in the chatt room the log out but when they try to log in the user pass word is autmaticly been chance and also they are a bit annoyed cause they been sent an email saying "sorry mate i will use your user name for life and thank you for your personal money account" my friends say to me that how did this happen? i told them i dont know i dont even have the cure for that if i dont have the software.. i think the yahoo nerdz or just a system analys wana be had the crack to of this cause it seem they never listen.. if the free email account is not safe will how much more if you pay same as my friend when he purchase an account in yahoo for $50 per month subcreption man its a load of money but what happen he pay more than that after that personal account was been stolen to him.. cause the hacker seem to be more crazy and order to update his account into more higher price for more space.. and it seem yahoo canot be reach he cant close it.. poor guy.. what if it happens to you. cause its already happen to me but thing is even if that my account dont have any personal staff still good enought to surf and use it for link advantages.. but no more games for use in yahoo.. cause yahoo just turn me down emagin that you creat the account you are just watching the account you built for your self been use buy others.. to bad for us.. yahoo. suck at all.. until now i keep on trying to yahoo see if the respond to my email cause every time i send them email they say that they well respond with in 48 hrs that means 2 days..
  10. vballstud

    vballstud Guest

    I'm just in awe that the internet ( as we know it ) has been around for over 20+ years and people are still that naive about it. Computer classes for dummies should become mandatory classes in elementary school.
  11. brokenkey

    brokenkey Member

    Feb 12, 2009
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    well yes it should be but not that teaching student to theaft on the net cause some school always reminds student how bad is to use the internet are that why most of the kids influence with cause they are band to do some of it now see what happen to the kids that turn there back to the world they start hacking profile and staffs.. cause they are not properly educated will they are educated but in a nonsince.. hehehe... sorry for that...
  12. Evastar

    Evastar Regular member

    Apr 17, 2008
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    Do you have any kind of antivirus software on your pc?

    It mightn't necessarily be your yahoo account that started this, you might have a trojan or worm.

    Plus do you run a firewall to stop your pc being hacked?
  13. brokenkey

    brokenkey Member

    Feb 12, 2009
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    yes i do have those thing but the thing is it dose not work on it and every time my antivirus subcription ends for example like mcfee.. they want me to renew and if i dont they keep call out virus on my laptop.. how stupid is that.. will i dont trust it any more so i use 3 set of laptop at home so i can use to protect my files from harmfull bactiria one for surfing , one for chatting, and one for secure documents that mean i dont connect it to internet, and the only one that is affected is the most daily use laptop my laptop use for chatt which has more antivirus softw are sad to say i cant also trust norton and mcfee.. i got pccline its a good one but its out of date and it doesn't have any update for laptop software it was built year 1999 that software from my teacher will i cant use it for my vista cause its not compatable.. :(( poor me the more secure my browsing the more they want to try and break it...

  14. Evastar

    Evastar Regular member

    Apr 17, 2008
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    Use avg free or avast antivirus.

    What about your firewall?
  15. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    There is nothing wrong with Yahoo. It's the yahoo's computer that eaten up with viri. No antivirus software and firewall is like playing Russian roulette! Get one of the free varieties and get your pc cleaned of the bad stuff it's loaded with; and then get a new email addy.
  16. JVC

    JVC Active member

    Apr 11, 2004
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  17. brokenkey

    brokenkey Member

    Feb 12, 2009
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    will if its not safe for me how much more to the other user of yahoo.
    if the dont keep it safe.
    i dont want to bring this out but the yahoo personel mybe behind this cause it wont be out if one in the company bring it out..

  18. brokenkey

    brokenkey Member

    Feb 12, 2009
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    i got all the big name and the lates update of my product key for my anti virus software but it seem that its not a virus attacking the pc. antivirus only attack to a virus not to a friendly user software and connections it seem like you dont really know more about highjackers hahaha.. will virus are virus and hackers are not virus they are user try to connect and changes your profile if your pc is been broke by that it not a virus its a hacker thing and yahoo just did it..
    it wont be out in the market all the diffrent software to decode all the user password.. its crazy..

  19. rtm27

    rtm27 Regular member

    Feb 27, 2008
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    As was mentioned by Ms, Evastar, do you have a firewall installed? There are free versions available in addition to paid versions.
  20. brokenkey

    brokenkey Member

    Feb 12, 2009
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    i got have also a fire wall but hacker is a hacker we cant expect that the hacker make a fun in our wall..and also not just that .. the stronger the wall the better the do.. and its not on my pc that my yahoo account is being broken its in the web.. the thieft just log on to yahoo and changes every thing once he see the user name.. that it.. if yahoo dont stop this for as i know that they are also suffering for this to and not only that gmail to even service provider they are suffiring for it to make people accounts safe but if one company broke the codes of conduct it will be done..
    mosis say thou shal not steal... will the are not stealing the are just linking to yahoo....


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