Hi , could some1 plz tell me wat a good Download AP is cuase im tryin to download lineage 2 from http://www.lineage2.com/pds/pds_client.html , but the download speed is a shitbox with normal download AP that comes wit windows , i got download Express the speeds can bearly reach 100KB te highest speed iv got so far is 89kb for sbout 5 seconds but the avg donwload speed is bouts 5kb or 25kb , i got 1.5mb ADSL which goes 160KB but mine goes 280MAX on good download servers , does any1 know anygood DL Aps that will keep my speed over 100KB or more , PLZ help. P.S dont tell me to just wait cuase the fukin thing is 1.62GB and i aint waiting 203hrs , lol
ok , i dont care about lineage 2 anymore but i still need some download AP that will make my download preformance over 100 KB or MAX
It's probably just capped download speed, nuffing wrong with your download speed, or people got a slow upload speed, either way nothing wrong with your connection speed.
dude r u a hippie , i kno that, i want a download ap that just increases speed from server in like america . me knows it possible