I downloaded 2 movies, don't know if where from is important, anyway I can watch the movies but I cannot find a way to burn them to disc. I have gone through what seems like thousands of guides (yours were the simplest to understand, BIG TY for that). I have downloaded avi2dvd, dvd decrypt, nero 7. I think I have all the right tools just not getting it or it's impossible to burn some movies from some sites. Please help, you probably need a lot more info and believe you me I have it I just wanted to get to the gist of the problem and go from there.
Few questions so myself and others can help: 1.What form of media are your video files (.avi,.vob,.mpg,etc.)? 2.What steps are you using to burn these videos? Answer these first and someone can help you!
The movie properties says it is stored c:\documents and settings\user\my documents\my videos\veoh name of movie.avi First I did right click on the movie and tried sending it places listed below. None of that worked including add to burn list, which sent it to windows media player which if I understand the warnings that popped up that is only to be used for music burning not videos. I could be totally wrong about that because I can play the movie with windows media player. I tried getting it with dvd shrink 3.2, but when I browse the movie isn't there. I tried AVI2DVD followed the directions on the guide. Result Job NOT Done. There are warnings...Find at the log file the 0 byte generated file to focus where the exactly the problem appears I tried Nero vision don't remember what it said. I tried Nero Express same as above. I tried Nero burning ROM and got ! unexpected file format. Sorry I have been working on this for 5 days. Trouble shooting and reading every guide there is so I have tried everything now I need HELP from a real person.
I can watch the movies on every viewer I have. Viewing them is not the problem. Copying them to DVD, to free up space on my laptop and having a hard copy for my stand alone, is the problem.
U need to convert the AVI file to DVD-Compliant files(VOB,IFO,BUP) to be able to watch them on a dvd player. U can do this by using various converting programs, such as Nero VISION ConvertXtoDVD DVD Santa Since u have Nero u can try vision here is a simple guide for that http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/356114#2104525 if it fails u can post the log, and we can help from there
Thank You 300 Bowler, the guide you gave me worked perfectly. This is the link for the guide I used before I got a forum for help, http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/avi_to_dvd_avi2dvd.cfm Your guide was very easy and it did the trick. Movie #1 copied to the disc no glitches. Movie #2 copied to the disc with a glitch. It said it failed, but I put it in my dvd player and it plays the movie. I do have the log for the "failure". Have no clue what it says or means. Again let me say Thank You 300 Bowler, how great are you!?!
Big WHOOPS! Movie # 2 did not copy completely to the disc. Hmmmm that must've been why I got the failed message LOL. Guess I should have watched the whole movie before writing that last entry.
You can post the Log of the one that failed and we can see if there is any problems. You can find the burn log here C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Core Look for the Nerohistory.txt file dont forget to edit the serial number out
Sorry can't post the log. Something I downloaded, movie, program, or whatever did something nasty to my laptop and I had to format it lost everything ...Waaaaaaaaaaa. Thank You all so much for trying to help me.