For some unknown reason, nearly all the programs I downloaded within the past mont have mysteriously FANISHED! The Directories I downloaded them each into are still there and the few that I installed (including vital updates) are still functioning, but the ZIP, RAR and EXE files that wew downloades are all gone! I can speculate that the download manager I used (Internet Download Manager 5.05 Final) deleted them as I cleared (deleted) the list of "completed downloads from the interface pannel", or perhapes even the disk-cleaning utility I use ( Ace Utilities Version 3.00 * now gone and delelted) dumped them while cleaning "tempory files clean-up! I have a freeware data recovery (PC Inspector File Recovery) but it seems very time consuming and complicated for first time data-recovery users like me. it recopies all the files it found on my hard drive according to it's cluster address and file type only (cluster 105582.EXE) I have to be some kind of data forensics expert to figure how to interpret and reassemble he data! I really want something that I can simply point it to the directory (folder) where the data "used to be" and just ask it (the DR program) to find and restore it! I'm talking about nearly a month's worh of downloads (dial-up of corse) and redownloading is a frightful thought! Any hopes that there's a FREEWARE somewhere that will help me out??? Joe edited by ddp
Sorry! So many forums, so many rules, so many brain cells dying each day! I'm just glat it was a minor infraction and you didn'y have to hurt me