sorry if this has been asked already but is there a way to download a movie and back it up on a dvd-r?
ndian23 you did not say what type of file it will be so lets assume it's and avi here a nice guide for you you can search it helps too
well what i was going for was there anyway that i can do it other than nero, i dont have it, i have a few free ones and was trying to stay free if i could...
Hello ndian23; As far as free progs go, I don't know of any. I would go with ConvertxtoDvd. It's a great program for putting video files on dvd. You can even put background/menu on it and even has quality settings. It's worth every penny.
i folowed your tutorial an did every ting thats there but now am haaving problems when i want to burn the project using the nero burning rom. it keeps it keeps saying that dvd-video applience test has failed.and that back up files "vts_01_0.bup"should be identical to "vts_01_0.ifo. i was wondering could this have happened because i added a menu with music to the mooviie that am trying to put on my blank DVD+R